Thursday, March 30, 2017

Blocked and Broken

I am a member of a couple of fandoms, to varying extents. One of those that I love is a show I watch on a regular basis. Because of the show, I have become a lot more active on social networks and forums.

Today, one of the cast of the show I love blocked me on Twitter after I made a comment that they deemed to be inappropriate. 

Firstly, I don't blame them for that. They have every right to block anyone they want for any reason. I am not writing this to get back at them or embarrass them - in fact I am not even going to name them or the show. I love them and I love their show. That will never change.

Secondly, I am not defending my tweet. I was trying to be my usual clever, humorous and friendly self and that backfired. The tweet was definitely not one of my best. I wasn't happy with it when I posted it, and I fully regret it. I didn't in any way mean to be insulting, demeaning, creepy, or anything else. That's not who I am.

The reason I am writing this is because I feel guilty. Very guilty. Guilty to the point where I am having a panic attack. I hate the idea that I may have made someone feel uncomfortable, particularly in their own home or other safe place.

To the person who I have offended, I hope you read this and know that I am sorry. I am not looking for a response. I am not asking to be unblocked. I just want you to know I am sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.


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