After a long and exhausting day yesterday, this morning I woke up around 6am. For the first time in a few weeks I got a full nights sleep, around seven hours or so. Feeling refreshed I decided to go for a walk to the shops to buy some cream. It was a beautiful morning, and the cyclists were out in force. I began to wonder how it would be to be that fit again...
After downing a freshly brewed cup of coffee, I found myself cooking up a batch of scones. I have been itching to make scones for the last couple of weeks but have never had the "up and go" to actually do it. I used a recipe from the CWA and as expected - perfection. I have made scones a couple of times in the last few years and have never had them turn out this good. Adding Chantilly cream I made last night and some homemade strawberry jam from a "jam session" last week, I enjoyed myself a nice brunch.
Following brunch, the warm sun encouraged me to do a spot of gardening. Afterwards I spent some time soaking up the vitamin D on the balcony. Apart from some cement being laid in the park next door, it was a very relaxing late morning.
Noon - and it's rugby time. Australia vs Russia. Not the greatest game of the World Cup, but Australia occasionally displayed some of their freaky skills. Full props to the Bears on some great offense and their record score.
2pm - my first yawn of the day.
AFL Grand Final - I was studying and playing WoW for a lot of the first half, so I wasn't really paying attention. Luckily I focused on the football in the second half and saw the Cats beat the Pies. I don't really support either team, but I preferred Geelong to win.
Back to the rugby, and a great game between Scotland and England. The Poms won (unfortunately), but it was an exciting game right to the end. It was quite a contrast to how the Wallabies played earlier. England still exhibited their reckless play in the first half, but the kicking game from both sides was fantastic.
Following the end of the days sport, I whipped up a pizza and settled in to watch... me! Well, not me, but a man of the same name. And yes... bow-ties are cool.
And that was the end of my day. I put the clocks forward an hour and went to bed. So what made it such a good day? Nothing that happened made it particularly good or bad. There was nothing remarkable or memorable. I guess what made it good was how I felt at the time. I didn't feel depressed or tired (except for the odd yawn). I didn't feel lonely or sad. I felt like everything was right and as it should be. I wasn't happy, rather I felt at peace. It has been a long time since I felt like that. Whether it was a full nights rest or something else, I had a good day. That fact gives me hope that I may have a few more in store.
Bow-ties are indeed very cool! :)