Friday, December 25, 2009

All I want for Christmas is...

I haven't got a clue.

Really. You would think that with the bombardment of advertising and the over-commercialization of the holiday that I would be able to come up with something better that I want for Christmas than... handkerchiefs.

Yes, that's the best that I could do.

My problem is that the stuff I really do want is either too expensive to be asked for as a gift, or is far too specific and/or hard to find that I need I literally need to give out the part number and vendor, meaning that there is no thought left in the gift whatsoever and making me feel guilty for asking for something so difficult to get.

To be honest, and I know this may seem very Scrooge-ish, but I really don't like Christmas all that much. I mean, every year it's the same thing - lot's of advertising making you spend more money than is wise and distracting you from the real reason for Christmas. That, coupled with the fact that having been seeing Christmas advertising/products in store since September and having the same old Christmas shows on TV as every other year has made me very... what's the word... over it (I was trying to think of a singular word to better describe it, and I know it's out there, but I just can't recall it at this very moment).

Anyway, it's already Christmas morning, though it's so early I'm sure even the songbirds aren't awake yet.

Hopefully future blogs will not be a rant like this.

Bah humbug.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

In the beginning...

It's 3 am, I'm in bed, and I can't sleep.

I just finished watching Julie & Julia, a movie about a woman cooking her way through a cook book and writing a blog about it. After watching it I started having all of my opinions, thoughts, ideas etc. run through my mind. This usually happens to me when I am trying to sleep, and most of the thoughts are long gone by the time I wake up (if I have slept at all). This time though, I decided to write them down - in a blog.

A little about me - my name is Mat, 28, and I live in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia. I like sports, cooking, computer games, TV, and some other stuff I'm sure I'll remember later. This is my first blog, and I have only read a few, so I guess I'll just figure stuff out as I go along.

Now that I have got the basics out of the way. I am stuck on what to write next. I guess it is too early in my blogging life to jump into such heavy issues as politics, the environment, and other stuff that matters, so I am just gonna leave it here for now and try to get some sleep.

Although that seems doubtful...