Every now and then I get a little bit creative and come up with an idea for TV show, movie, video game, etc. Probably about half the time I forget about it before I have a chance to put pen to paper (I normally come up with the ideas while I am trying to sleep, or during that time in the morning when you are half awake and have some control over your dreams). Every now and then though I am able to recall the idea long enough to get something down so that I can then elaborate on it later. I recently shared a couple of my ideas with a friend of mine and he made some good points about them which I had not considered, and which if addressed properly could greatly improve on the stories. So here are a couple of my ideas (FYI if you steal my ideas I will hunt you down and make you eat your own weight in haggis!):

A TV show set 100 years in the future about a mid-20s brother and sister combo of bounty hunters and their crew as they fly around the inner solar system catching criminals, doing random jobs, and figuring out their place in an increasing corrupt world. Sort of a live-action Cowboy Bebop, or an alternate side of Firefly.
The main characters, Scott and Penny Lawson, are the twin children of a deceased bounty hunter Roger Lawson. They inherited his space ship and along with their fathers former colleague, a former special-forces soldier and now pacifist Maurice Johnson, have just started to make a living following in their fathers footsteps. Along the way through various means they recruit several new crew members, including a career con man, a young girl with a gift for technology, and about three others that I am still trying to figure out.

I know religion is a dangerous genre to play with in computer games, so this game is not meant to be an evangelical statement. It will include some religious characters but it is not meant to be a religious story, rather a story about good and evil and how they can often seem to be not that far opposite to each other.
Modern Ninja

Another video game, this one is an action-adventure/stealth games in a similar mode as the Hitman series. Set in the present day, you play as a ninja who has just finished his/her training when their clan is disowned and destroyed. Vowing vengeance (ok, not that original here, I know), he aligns him/herself with various factions and organizations, learning modern skills and weapons to complement his ninja training in order to to avenge his/her clan.
What I want to achieve here is a game where you can play it any way you want - you can go in guns blazing and kill everyone in sight, use your classical ninja training or stealth and secrecy and achieve your objectives without anyone noticing you, use high-tech equipment and the latest weapons, or go old-school and use your fists and classic ninja weapons. I really want to open it up what a classical ninja would be in the modern day.
I know some people will recall the classical ninja stereotype and say " A ninja using guns!?!?!? That's just wrong", but if you look at what ninjas actually where it is not that improbable that they would use guns if they existed in the modern age. Ninjas where created to accomplish goals that a samurai, because of their Bushido (a samurai's moral code), could not. A ninja was not bound to honor and was designated with achieving their objective by any means necessary. Pop culture often depicts ninjas in black garb, but usually ninjas where hidden in plain clothes or using disguises so as not to draw attention.
I have a few more ideas, but they are not yet as clear or fleshed out as the three here. I have done a lot more work on these than what is shown here, but I would be interested in any feedback.